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CSV reports, selected columns cannot be shown

In all computers section when I would like to download the result as a .csv file, in that file there are columns which was choosen to show but did not find in the .csv file. An example shown here:

1. The choosen columns can be shown here:

2. When I would like to download the Result, it looks like it (where is it???):

I found a solution here:


It means, the without modifying the file "ms_csv.php", it exports only the main columns but no other column. So I modified that file as it is written in the solution, like here:

But it is not clearly enough. Sometimes it is shows the selected columns in the csv, sometimes it is not. For example it depends on, if I add more columns...If I add than it show the previous selected column (it is confusing for me too).

Can somebody help me to figure it out?

Thanks for your help!

in Administrative console by (320 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For me, it fails exporting after adding a column. It works with click on All computers first before the export.
by (4.6k points)
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