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Track computer connection Plugin?

hy, some years ago some people are asking for a way to track connection (remote IP, external IP)



somebody mentioned that you have to lock into apache logs, but this is not necessary - the data is already in the database and somebody developed a plugin years ago (2012)

Can anybody adopt the plugin for the new version ? This would be great

here is the link to the old "tracking connection" plugin


Kind regards sokatra
in Administrative console by (24.7k points)
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3 Answers

0 votes
Hi @sokatra ,

please, where is the external  IP (IP wan) on OCS ? which table in the database ?

Which versions of OCS server / agent do you use ?

Kind regard, Stéphane
by (32.6k points)
0 votes
by (24.7k points)
0 votes
interestingly, I did not know this post.

However, it is not recent and many things can since changed in OCS
by (32.6k points)
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