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Release 2.12.3 available

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Where is ocslogon.exe in agent release ?


I have downloaded the new version of Windows agent ( and there is no ocslogon.exe in the decompressed folder.

it is normal ?

Thank you .
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

5 Answers

0 votes

this is the windows agent, it also doesn't actually perform an inventory giving a 400 error (the agent it just updated worked perfectly, settings are the same)

COM SERVER => HTTP Post response received <HTTP Status Code #400>

and look like the agent only get partially updated.

whereas the previous version everything matched

by (550 points)
0 votes
I have the same doubt.
how deplay with gpo without this file?
by (300 points)
0 votes
Hey guys,

I had the the same problem but I did compile from the github sources.
Just follow the requirements and compile...


by (520 points)
0 votes

ocslogon.exe is not shippedwith ocs agent because some antivirus software detect a trojan inside. In fact there is no trojan. So tou have to compile the soft if you want to use it.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes

@sip_mw :

"Hey guys,

I had the the same problem but I did compile from the github sources.
Just follow the requirements and compile...




Could you explain to me how to compile ?
by (140 points)
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