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Release 2.12.3 available

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How can I change my ocs server ip and update agent

Dear staff,

I'm Matheus Pavanetti, it's a pleasure to know all of you.

I have a enviroment with a good number of computers with ocs agent installed,

I got the quest to change my server location to a new datacenter with a new vlan but on the same network,

So that, I'll have to change the ocs server ip,

How could I change the server ip on clients(agents) ?

For the new installalations I'll have already changed the ip on the installation batch file, but for the old ones I don't know how could I do that.

Is there a way to use the ocs deploy feature ?, to send some batch program to whole computers enviroment, changing their ip before change the physically the server ?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (470 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

In Active Directory use a computer gpo to make this change. The gpo contents a script which stop ocs service, store a new ocsinventory.ini file (with new @ip) and restart ocs service.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hmmm, Actually I don't have much control with our Active Direcotory ,
I Was expecting that Ocs Deploy Feature could deliver a package with a ini config file,

Is The only way to change the server ip through the Active Directory ?
by (470 points)
You can deploy a new ocsinventory.ini file with OCS. But as you use IP address, it look that you don't have any SSL and you can't use deploy feature.

For next time, use DNS address : it will be easier to change the IP of your server.
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