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Release 2.12.3 available

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mutliple Vulnerabilities in OCS Inventory 2.4.1

if i am correct, the rpm version of Ocs Inventory is 2.4.1 an not 2.5.

the problem is that 3 vulnerabilities exist in this version.

So i can't recommend this version for use in in unsave environment.

I don't want to post the vulneabilities, because i don't want to be blamed for that.

Kind regards

in Administrative console by (24.7k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The vuln are public on our github ;)

And I know : the RPM are not uptodate (it take time and there is many other problem to implement version 2.5).

I have begin to work for the version 2.6 (that's not an official anoucement :) ) of the rpm. So don't scare about no new version of the RPM : it's comming.
by (22k points)
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