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http error 500 after system upgrade (mariadb)

ocsinventory-ng server on a Debian Stretch.

After the last system upgrade

(Install: libconfig-inifiles-perl(2.94-1), Upgrade: mariadb-common(10.1.26-0+deb9u1, 10.1.37-0+deb9u1), mariadb-server-core-10.1(10.1.26-0+deb9u1, 10.1.37-0+deb9u1), mariadb-server-10.1(10.1.26-0+deb9u1, 10.1.37-0+deb9u1), mariadb-client-10.1(10.1.26-0+deb9u1, 10.1.37-0+deb9u1), mariadb-client-core-10.1(10.1.26-0+deb9u1, 10.1.37-0+deb9u1), libmariadbclient18:i386 (10.1.26-0+deb9u1, 10.1.37-0+deb9u1)

all agents now receive a http error 500:

Starting OCS Inventory NG Agent on Monday, November 26, 2018 11:31:58.
AGENT => Running OCS Inventory NG Agent Version
AGENT => Using OCS Inventory NG FrameWork Version
AGENT => Loading plug-in(s)
    DLL PLUGIN => Searching for Plug-in DLL(s) in folder <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins>
    DLL PLUGIN => 0 DLL Plug-in(s) successfully loaded on 0 DLL(s) found
AGENT => Using network connection with Communication Server
    COM PROVIDER => Loading Communication Provider <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\ComHTTP.dll>
AGENT => Using Communication Provider <OCS Inventory NG cURL Communication Provider> Version <>
AGENT => Sending Prolog
    DID_CHECK => Read DeviceID <WUT-2018-11-25-15-48-17> and MACs <BA:71:75:85:97:6F> in file <ocsinventory.dat>
    COM SERVER => Initializing cURL library for sendRequest
    COM SERVER => Using cURL without server authentication
    COM SERVER => Disabling cURL proxy support
    COM SERVER => Enabling cURL SSL server validation support using CA Bundle <cacert.pem>
    COM SERVER => Sending HTTP Post request to URL <https://ocsinventory.cgil.int.cgil.tn.it/ocsinventory>
    COM SERVER => HTTP Post response received <HTTP Status Code #500>
    COM SERVER => Cleaning cURL library
ERROR *** AGENT => Failed to send Prolog <HTTP Status Code #500>
AGENT => Unloading communication provider
AGENT => Unloading plug-in(s)
AGENT => Execution duration: 00:00:00.

in /var/log/apache2/error.log I see these errors, for every agent connection tried:

DBD::mysql::dr connect warning:  at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/DBI.pm line 213.
[Mon Nov 26 11:44:49.289317 2018] [perl:error] [pid 352] [client] Can't call method "rollback" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 282.\n

ocsinventory-ng server version is 2.5, and agents versions are from 2.3.1 to 2.4

Is there a fix for this? Thanks

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (220 points)

8 Answers

0 votes

I'm getting the same error:  Can't call method "rollback" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 282.\n

OCS Inventory NG Server Version 2.5, Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS 7) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips PHP/5.4.16 mod_perl/2.0.10 Perl/v5.16.3

OCS Inventory NG Agent Version

by (260 points)
+1 vote
For me, the fix was correcting the "PerlSetVar OCS_DB_PWD" field in the z-ocsinventory-server.conf file, to the password that was entered during the install.
by (260 points)
+1 vote
Thank you Andrew,

I double-checked, and both z-ocsinventory-server.conf and mysql uses same password for user "ocs".

I decided to hold the mariadb update until new updates will be available.
by (220 points)
0 votes

Did you restart apache after mariadb update?


by (89.4k points)
0 votes

Yes, and I rebooted the ocs server.

I also did the following steps:

  • mysql_upgrade -u root -p
  • mysqlcheck -u root -p --auto-repair --check --all-databases
by (220 points)
+1 vote

Similar problem here with “OCS 2.6 RC” on “Debian 9.6” after an update from libmariadbclient18_10.1.26-0+deb9u1 to libmariadbclient18_10.1.37-0+deb9u1

apache error log:
[Wed Jan 09 11:03:00.792545 2019] [core:notice] [pid 5971] AH00052: child pid 15999 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Temporarily fixed using:
apt-get install libmariadbclient18=10.1.26-0+deb9u1
apt-mark hold libmariadbclient18

Any updates in this?


by (660 points)
0 votes

Exactly the same issues for a proper install of OCS Inventory Server NG 2.5 Any updates for this issue ?

by (360 points)
0 votes
by (660 points)
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