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Plugins crashed my server


I`ve installed 2 plugins ( winusers and bitlocker ) and after extract them to the extensions folder and install them via browser, i keep getting a blank page for everything. already tried to reboot the machine and restart the services but no good. the plugins sucesfully installed but now i cant use OCS server. i just hit the login page and when i log in is a blank page and i followed everything your tutorial said.

Please advise

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

6 Answers

0 votes

Which version of OCS server on which OS distribution ? What errors have you in apache error log file ?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
I have exaclty the same problem ...

After I tried to install officepack with the extension manager, logoff and logon, ocs became blank, only the ocs logo persist to the top left...

Try to reboot, reinstall , always the blank page. There is only this message in the web console " Erreur dans les liens source : request failed with status 404 URL de la ressource :"

My server is on 2.6RC on a Debian linux  4.9.130-2

by (610 points)
edited by
–1 vote


@manthysbr : As i know, do not unzip files, server work directly with zip

@nexnihilo and manthysbr : See here that post http://ask.ocsinventory-ng.org/10560/plugins-not-listed


by (5.7k points)
0 votes

@toutafait "In 2.6rc and 2.6.x versions plugin engine has been updated and renamed. Plugins are now named : extensions."

You can see on the wiki page for 2.6RC server  this :

"Download the plugin, place it in the extension folder in ocsreports and unzip it.Go on ocsreports in extension tab. Select the plugin and click on install"

We follow the wiki as we said, still blank page with OCS logo on top left

by (610 points)
0 votes

What errors have you in apache error log file ?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes

There is my apache2 error log after a restart


Edit : I had to rename manually the "officepack.conf" in "/etc/ocsinventory-server/plugins/" because the name of the plugin had the first letter in uppercase

Now officepack.conf = PerlModule Apache::Ocsinventory::Plugins::officepack::Map

Something important : The web page became blank after I uploaded the plugin via the web and logout/login. Not after I run the python3 script

by (610 points)
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