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Search a specific Registry in Windows

Hi guys,

I have a demand for to know who is Administrator users on my lan! Could I know it with OCS, setting it to search a specific register?
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (490 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hy, it is not possible with just some default registry key as i know, but first of all you can use

the plugin winuser to idenitfy all users


I haven't used this plugin, but it looks like the plugin can't identify the admin users. so can can create a script to do this

in a batch and a english windows version you can use something like this

net localgroup administrators

to write it to a share u can code something like this

net localgroup administrators >>\\Server1\thisisasharename$\%computername%_filename.txt

you can write the output to a network share whre only "computer objects" have write rights.

Hoppefully the plugin will be extended to list admins and for example deactivated accounts which you can retrieve with this command

wmic useraccount where "disabled=1 AND LocalAccount=1" get name

and activated accounts

wmic useraccount where "disabled=0 AND LocalAccount=1" get name

Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
edited by
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