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Release 2.12.3 available

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The usage of OCS 2.6 RC with GLPI 9.4


In our organization, all assets in which the OCS is installed -although there is no change in RAM, mainboard, user name, operating system, additional hardware, etc.- shown in OCS interface every day (or each time it is opened). This is a good thing, no problem. But, we also see the all records in the GLPI interface. And as an IT department, we want to track all of our business through GLPI and follow the assets through GLPI.

Problem: There are almost 1000 staff in the organization and we see OCS records thousands of times every day. 99% of them do not change. It is very difficult to extract the asset which have some changes that are in the 1% section among others.

Question: Are we able to ensure that -only assets that are changed- are shown on the GLPI?

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (140 points)

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