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Missing right path for install plugins

Hi everyone!

I install my OCS inventory on Debian 9 and it's works!

My windows aget send data and with my webinterfaces i can see the information.

But now a nned to install some plugins... But i don't find the right path...

In /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports there isn't download folder.

Also /var/lib/ocsinventory-reports/plugins/download doesn't exist... 

I have only one folder in /var/lib/ocsinventory-reports/download but if i put the zip inside it will be not work!

I also try to create a new Download folder in /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports and put inside the zip but dowsn'r work...

What can I do please?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

hy, you must place the unziped plugin into the extension folder


Download the plugin, place it on the extensions folder on ocsreports and unzip it.

Go on ocsreports in extension tab. Select the plugin and click on install."



you can find the folder here


Kind regards


by (24.5k points)
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