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Release 2.12.3 available

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Platforms and last versions of OCS ? [closed]


As I didn't manage to find the information from the OCS Inventory web site, I would have some queries :

  • Which last version of OCS Inventory Server is currently available?
  • What are the Operating Systems where OCS Inventory Server can be installed?
  • What is the current last version of Windows OCS agent?
  • What is the current last version of Unix/Linux OCS agent?
  • Can we download all those versions from OCS Inventory web site?
  • Do you know where I could find all those informations?

Many thanks in advance for your answers.

closed with the note: Solution quickly provided
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (340 points)
closed by

4 Answers

0 votes

>>Which last version of OCS Inventory Server is currently available?


>>What are the Operating Systems where OCS Inventory Server can be installed?

Debian (9) , CentOS 7, any other Linux


>>What is the current last version of Windows OCS agent?

Agent Windows

>>What is the current last version of Unix/Linux OCS agent?

Unix Agent 2.6.0

Can we download all those versions from OCS Inventory web site?


>>Do you know where I could find all those informations?


Kind regards sokatra


by (25.1k points)
0 votes
Thanks Sokatra for your quick response.

It seems that there is no more version existing of OCS Inventory Server for Windows platforms if I correctly understand your previous answer.

But as I would like to be sure, can you confirm?

Thank you again Sokatra.
by (340 points)
0 votes
there is no more windows server version -that is correct
by (25.1k points)
0 votes
Thank you very muck Sokatra for your help.
by (340 points)
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