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Release 2.12.3 available

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Inventory of login ,logoff time of Domain user

Hello  Everyone,

May i get login  & logoff time of domain user from ocs inventory .
How may i  configure this in inventory. I want that when a user logins on a domain computer , then ocs send an custom inventory  of login time &  username  . and same for  logoff.
So i want to  get user login , logoff time of a user.

Thank You .

Deepraj Gupta
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (180 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
hy, this isn't possible right now with ocs-Inventory.

But you can deploy a script which writes a filtered event log output to an smb share.


But to get only the login time i recommend to use microsoft event forwarding


Kind regards

by (24.6k points)
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