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ERROR: HTTP status code 500

Hi all

when my agent want to contact the ocs server 2.5, I have this error in the log :

HTTP SERVER: Sending prolog query...ERROR: HTTP status code 500

I tried to change any values on config files, replace name by ip, verify id/pw, but this problem is always present ...

on error.log apache2, I have :

Can't call method "rollback" on an undefined value
at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 282 \n
DBI connect

failed: Access denied for user 'ocs'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 187

could you help me please


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (420 points)
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8 Answers

0 votes
maybe because i'm in mysql 8.0 ? :/

but i can't reinstall all

And I can me connect normaly to http://localhost/ocsreports/index.php
by (420 points)
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0 votes

I think to have repaired the problem, le problem was the pass in ocsinventory-server.conf file ...

other problem, after the agent contact, I have in apache2 error.log, otherthing

do failed: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' at
/usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 193. DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an error
in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near 'groups
    g LEFT OUTER JOIN locks l
    WHE' at line 2 at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/Groups.pm line 72.
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Out of range value for column 'QUALITY' at row 1 at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Serv>
[Thu Apr 29 14:38:48] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 2542] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down

xml seems ok but not send :

    XML Update Storage Peripherals: OK (1 objects).
    XML Update System Controllers...
    XML Update System Controllers: OK (5 objects).
    XML Update System Slots...
    XML Update System Slots: OK (7 objects).
    XML Update Video Adapters...
    XML Update Video Adapters: OK (1 objects).
XML Update Device properties: OK.
WMI Disconnect: Disconnected from WMI namespace.
HTTP SERVER: Creating CInternetSession to send inventory results...OK.
HTTP SERVER: Getting HTTP Connection to server ip port 80 using no authentication...OK
HTTP SERVER: INV : SEND received, sending inventory...ERROR: HTTP status code 500
HTTP SERVER: INV : ERROR : No server answer concerning the account update

by (420 points)
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0 votes


someone can help me ? maybe ? laugh


by (420 points)
+1 vote

Edit /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/Groups.pm file. Then change groups to `groups` at line 65 (from groups), line 77 (FROM GROUPS WHERE), line 111 (XMLDEF WHERE GROUPS), line 193 (UPDATE GROUPS).

These changes have been updated in the latest version.
by (90.5k points)
0 votes
thanks for your answer

but i'm not sure of modifications to the line 77, 111 and 193

just put in upper case ? today is in low case
by (420 points)
+1 vote
just add ` around groups's word at lines 65, 77, 111 and 193.
by (90.5k points)
0 votes
from the client :

HTTP SERVER: Sending prolog query...ERROR: HTTP status code 500
HTTP SERVER: Closing HTTP connection
WMI Disconnect: Disconnected from WMI namespace.
Writing last inventory state not required.

but in ocs console, i see one machine in base, but without details
by (420 points)
0 votes

error log :

[Mon May 17 15:21:40 2021] OCSINVENTORY: (SOAP): Cannot find XML::Entities Scalar value @part_query[...]
better written as $part_query[...] at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Interface/AssetCategory.pm line
53. Scalar value @args[...] better written as $args[...] at
/usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Interface/AssetCategory.pm line 53. ocsinventory-server: Can't load
SOAP::Transport::HTTP* - Web service will be unavailable

[Mon May 17 15:21:41 2021] OCSINVENTORY: (SOAP):
Cannot find XML::Entities Scalar value @part_query[...] better written as $part_query[...] at
/usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Interface/AssetCategory.pm line 53. Scalar value @args[...] better
written as $args[...] at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Interface/AssetCategory.pm line 53.
ocsinventory-server: Can't load SOAP::Transport::HTTP* - Web service will be unavailable

[Mon May 17 15:21:41.2021]
AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' DBD::mysql::db do failed: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set
to the value of 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 193.
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Variable 'sql_mode' can't be set to the value of 'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER' at
/usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 193. DBD::mysql::db do failed: Out of range value
for column 'QUALITY' at row 1 at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/Communication.pm line 100.

by (420 points)
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