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multisearch with multiple results per server

Hey guys!

First of all - very nice software that exactly fits my needs.

I just have one problem with the multisearch feature.

If I go to "Inventory > Search with various criteria" and search for "All Software : Publisher"  different "Microsoft" I only get 1 result per Server.

What I'd like to see is every Software that meets this criteria together with the hostname. To illustrate what I'd like to achieve I build an SQL Query that does that (for simplicity i only selected 3 Columns):

SELECT sn.NAME AS Softwarename, h.NAME AS Hostname, sp.PUBLISHER AS Publisher

FROM software s

LEFT JOIN software_name sn

ON s.NAME_ID = sn.ID

LEFT JOIN software_publisher sp


LEFT JOIN hardware h



sp.PUBLISHER NOT LIKE "Microsoft%";

Is this possible to get with the Webinterface?


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
hy, i recommend that you make a feature request here


because there are mainly the developers

Kind regards

by (25k points)
edited by
0 votes
Hi sokrata,

thank you for the answer.

I opened an Issue on GitHub for that now!
by (170 points)
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