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Any way to link the inventory csv to excel?

Hello,i would like to have a constantly updated inventory in a excel sheet in a folder in my company, but i dont really have a clue if that is possible or how to do it. If anyone did a similar process, or has a plugin or program that does that, it would be appreciated.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
OCS Server store all informations in a MySQL (MariaDB) database and update data when agents send its own inventory.

You have the abilities, at anytime, in 'All Computers', to select columns and then export (Download) a CSV file to import in a Excel (Calc) file. it's very quick to do.

Better, OCS had an integrated search module, with again the column's selection and export (Download)

So I don't understand why use an Excel file would provided 'better usage' than direct access thru web interface ...

As the selection of columns and download is based on a SQL instructions, it's possible to use Excel Connections to get the same informations in Excel file : you need to search in tables of database : main informations are in table 'hardware', but if you want also administrative fields it will be harder ...
by (20.1k points)
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