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Can't locate object method "httpd_conf"

After I installed O'CS and started apache I found myself with this error:

What do I fix?

perl:error] [pid 212870] Can't locate object method "httpd_conf" via package "Apache" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0/Apache/Ocsinventory/Plugins.pm line 33.\nCompilat>

perl:error] [pid 212870] Can't load Perl module Apache::Ocsinventory::Plugins for server (null):0, exiting...

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (220 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Hello, please can you help me fix this error after installing OCS (AlmaLinux). Thank you very much:

Can't locate object method "httpd_conf" via package "Apache" at /usr/local/share/perl5/5.32/Apache/Ocsinventory/ Plugins.pm line 33.\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 13) line 1.\n

Can't load Perl module Apache::Ocsinventory::Plugins for server (null):0, exiting...

by (140 points)
0 votes

verify that /etc/ocsinventory-server/perl directory is created and contains Apache/Ocsinventory/Plugins directory. If no, then create it and restart apache.

by (90.5k points)
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