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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to integrate a SQL database with a OCS?

I need integrate a SQL database (is a Power BI) with the Ocs inventory.
How can I do this?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (160 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
I DONT understand the question : what is your goal ? what you want to do ?

(As many, I suppose, I was asking me 'is it a joke ?')
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
Good morning, @Jacquesh.
I need to pull a field with information that is in Power BI and make this information appear in OCS Inventory.
I've never done this type of work, it's my first project.
I'm looking for where to start. I looked on YouTube and Google, I didn't find any concrete answers.
by (160 points)
0 votes
It's funny : I've never done this type of work, it's my first project.

Which informations you need to enter in OCS ?

OCS keep informations given by agents (automatic informations about hardware, software).

You can enter, manually and each hardware by each, Administrative Data. But when you have a significant set of hardware, it's quite difficult to enter manually ...anywhere = in OCS or in other dabase !
by (20.2k points)
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