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"No user provided" at login after fresh install.

Hi all!

Two days ago i installed a new OCS Inventory Server changed the admin password and added ~5 test clients to it. All went well and data was coming in.

Today i couldnt log in anymore, everytime i got a "No user provided" error. Neither my new, nor the old "admin" password worked. I did reset the admin password in the database with the default "admin" one, but no success.

After many tries, i reinstalled the server and database completly (from the git sources) on a fresh server, configured the database and logged in via "admin/admin", then i changed the password to a more secure one and voilĂ , "No user provided".

What is happening there? Any help would be nice!
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (200 points)
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Bump after 6 Days!

I assume this isn't a known problem? Or is this covered in some FAQ, i did not find anything about that.
by (200 points)
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