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How to get custom reports on computers ?

Hi there

I would like to get a report that shows installed apps per computer ?

By the way, I didn't find any menu to configure customs reports ....or any plugins
Thanks everyone
in Administrative console by (640 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

hy, what exactly do you mean with apps ?

normal programs, user apps, Microsoft Store apps ?

perhaps this is something for you


"User Installed Apps"

Kind regards
by (25.2k points)
0 votes


I want a report that lists all computers sorted by apps on computers 

I don't want to enter on each computer to know which apps are installed

i.e;: a spreasheet like this :

HostnameApp nameapp versionDescriptionOSLast inventory
Computer ANotepad++18.10.461.0Microsoft Windows 11 Professionnel6/2/25 15:15
Computer B
18.10.461.0Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel6/2/25 10:12
Computer CNotepad++18.10.461.0Microsoft Windows 11 Professionnel6/2/25 11:48


Should be great and useful for an application mapping project
by (640 points)
0 votes
by (25.2k points)
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