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Release 2.12.3 available

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About OCS capabilities. A propos des capacités d'OCS

Hi !

I'd like to know a few informations about OCS native capabilities .(means without developping new pluggins)

- Is it able to perform an inventory of certificates ? (machine certificates, web certificates and so....)

And if yes, is the expiration date also inventoried ?

- What kind of virtualization host can be inventoried ? (VMware, Hyper-V, CItrix ....)

- Is one agent more "powerfull" than an other ? (Unix agent versus Windows agent)

- Is it possible to initiate an inventory with a Wake On Lan request send by OCS Server to agents ?

Thanks a lot !



Salut !

Je souhaites avoir quelques informations au sujet des capacités natives d'OCS. (c'est à dire sans développement de nouveaux pluggins)


- Est il capable d'inventorier des certificats ? (certificats machine, certificats web etc...)

Et si oui, est ce que la date d'expiration est également inventoriée ?

- Quels types d'hôtes de virtualisation peuvent être inventoriés ? (VMware, Hyper-V, Citrix....)

- Est qu'un agent est plus "performant" qu'un autre ? (entre l'agent Linux et l'agent Windows)

- Est il possible d'initier un inventaire à partir d'une requête Wake On Lan envoyée du serveur OCS vers les agents ?

Merci beaucoup !

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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  • Is it able to perform an inventory of certificates ? (machine certificates, web certificates and so....)

It's not possible because certificat can be in lot of differents directories, you can use many differents web servers, etc etc. I will have soon the need for a plugin that detects web site on apache and SSL certificat. Maybe will we work together ? :)

  • And if yes, is the expiration date also inventoried ?

I don't know if OpenSSL in command line can give the expiration of a given certificat ? If yes it can be done with a plugin.

  • - What kind of virtualization host can be inventoried ? (VMware, Hyper-V, CItrix ....)

As I know, VMware ESXi by SNMP, virtualbox and Qemu/KVM.

  • - Is one agent more "powerfull" than an other ? (Unix agent versus Windows agent)

Depend on what you call powerfull. The windows agent is written in C++. As it, it has better performances and take nothing in the RAM. The Unix agent is in perl. Perl has good performances for an interpreted language but has the capability to run on every Unix in the world.

Each agent is powerfull in his own environment. Do an agent in perl on windows is really stupid for performance and RAM consumption. Do an agent in C++ on Unix is the best way to have problem to port the agent on each OS (we currently support Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, AIX and HP/ux).

  • - Is it possible to initiate an inventory with a Wake On Lan request send by OCS Server to agents ?

Not directly with this feature. Wake on lan ask the computer for booting his OS. We cannot send to the BIOS an information to launch a software after booting the OS.

by (22k points)
Hi Kapouik !


Thanks a lot for these informations !

I have to add a few more clarifications about my questions. I was way not so clear  :/


- About the most "Powerfull" agent, I was meaning about inventory capabilities :

Is an agent (Linux or Windows) able to detect more configuration items than the other ? (more peripherical, more network equipments and so...)

My scope is : all kind of servers (Unix, Linux, Windows, VMware hosts...), user computers (Linux, Windows), periphericals (printers,...), network equipments (switch, routers, firewalls....), DMZ machines, roaming computers, storage arrays.


- About the Wake on Lan feature, I was meaning : Is an admin able to ask the OCS server to send some sort of broadcast to contact all deployed agents, asking them to perform an inventory and send it back to the OCS server ?


Concerning the VMware inventory by SNMP, is it possible to "crawl" the host to detect all VMs running on it ?


Many thanks !


Have a nice evening !


You can look on the demo server, it can see vm on your VMware server.
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