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IP Address of Clients shows Blank Frequently on Web Page

Hi All,

I have setup OCS Inventory server 2.1 on Centos server 6.5 64bit OS. All the details is coming to my OCS server properly except IP Address of Client Machines.

Majority of my client is running with ocsinventory-agent-2.1.1-1. below is my configuration file ocsinventory-agent.cfg.


# Server URL, unconmment if needed
basevardir = /var/lib/ocsinventory-agent

# Administrative TAG (optional, must be filed before first inventory)
tag = Server

# How to log, can be File,Stderr,Syslog
logger = Stderr
logfile = /var/log/ocsinventory-agent/ocsinventory-agent.log


Currently i am monitoring three subnet as mentioned below.


1st subnet = (Inside DMZ)

2nd subnet = (Inside DMZ)

3rd subnet = (Inside DMZ)

4th subnet = (Outside DMZ)

When i execute manually "/usr/sbin/ocsinventory-agent" command the IP address of server gets displayed in "IP address" column. but after some time when other servers sends their inventory the ip addresses of earlier servers gets vanished from the column. it keeps vanished until i execute "/usr/sbin/ocsinventory-agent" command manually.

I have manually set a cronjobs for every 6 hours on clients to send inventory to server. when those crons gets runs even at that time IP address column shows blank but i can see in "Last inventory" column that inventory is just now.

Please guide me on the issue as i have tried almost all things but unable to find issue.

Below is my Client side debug log file is very big please also let me know how can i share it as attachement.

Thanks in Advance...


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

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