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"You are not allowed to connect"

I've got problem with correct login into ocs. 2 users get info: "You are not allowed to connect" other 12 users can login without problem. I use LDAP member of groups to authenticate and 2 groups for "sadmin" and "admin".

My OCS Server version 2.1
in Administrative console by (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Have you some errors in apache error_log file regarding these two users?


by (90.5k points)

error_log is clear.

Screenshot of OCS below.


0 votes
I think that I found a problem.
If user is member of 2-3 groups everything works good, but when user belongs to many groups does not receive role (sadmin). So I have to define "CONEX LDAP CHECK DEFAULT ROLE" and problem disappear. It's not a solution but workaround.
I've added two types login (local and ldap). First for sadmin and second for admin.
by (180 points)
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