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Release 2.11.1 available

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OCS 2.1.2 installation don't work on XAMPP 5.6.8

Hi there,

i've tried to install a OCS Server 2.1.2 on my WinSrv 2012 R2 box with a fresh installed XAMPP 5.6.8. But i got the error that i need to install the Perl Addon.

But Perl is included in the installation package and works fine.

What can i do to bring the OCS up and running?


I tried to find some help with the search-function, but i didn't got helpful matches.


in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Verify that mod_perl addon for apache is correctly installed and enabled. Post apache error.log file content.


by (88.5k points)
0 votes

Hi there,

I installed (unfortunately) the recent perl-addon


(from http://sourceforge.net/projects/xampp/files/Windows%20add-ons/Perl/5.10.0/)

and I could install the OCS Inventory Server 2.1.2 (based on XAMPP 5.6.3 under Win7Pro SP1 32bit).


Know I've read in discussions, e.g. here:


that this combination might be buggy and so I'm not sure what the last working combination of XAMPP and perl-addon is, which works for OCS Inventory NG. Do I really have to do a downgrade? How far and what? XAMPP and/or the perl-addon?

For instance the import of OCS-files says ok, but then I have no devices in OCS Inventory NG. I could not find ne errorlog of the import.

(Perl modules had been activated making a httpd-perl.conf file out of the \xampp\apache\conf\extra\perl.conf.new you can verify under

http://localhost/xampp/perlinfo.pl and

SOAP-client and -server are also running, watching the phpinfo() )


by (200 points)
edited by
The Mod_perl you can find in xampp site (xampp-win32-perl-addon-5.10.0-2.2.11-pl2-installer.exe) is not compatible with Apache 2.4. The last version of XAMPP with Apache 2.2 was 1.7.7 (that's the reason it is included with OCS Server installation file).
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