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Cleanup Software database

Hi Folks,

I got a lot of obsolete entries in software database (menu item Software Search).

How can I delete these old entries?

Best regards,

in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (130 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
bump, I too would like to know this.  I added an OS X client and don't like all the entries it added for Software Search, would like to keep it windows only, but even though there's no entries for the software any more since i removed the OSX client, they still exist in "software search".  Is there any way to clean this up?  Thanks.
by (570 points)
0 votes
Same here ! I don't want to mess with the db...
by (140 points)
0 votes
I believe this fixes itself after so long (not sure the time period) but after like a week my empty entries were gone.
by (570 points)
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