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Release 2.12.3 available

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My server died, how can I get the clients to report to the new server?

I had a 2.0.3 ocs ng server running on an old server and it will not turn on anymore, so I have assigned the new server the same IP that the old server had and installed the same version of ocs ng server.  Is that all I need to do to get my currently installed clients to report their inventories to the new server?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
i think so. Your agents sends inventory to an URL specified in the ocsinventory.ini file:

For example: Server=

I had had to rebuild a new OCS server month ago and i did assigned the same IP as the original and managed to perform an update of OCS. No issues so far.

by (160 points)
edited by
Thanks nbu for the reply.  I have waited over 24 hours and no clients have reported to my new server yet.  I installed the clients with the server security option enabled with certificate before the old server died, would that cause an issue with the same clients reporting to the new server?  I did not change the CA certificate path from the default.
unfortunately, i din't use a specific certificate, just the default one: cacert.pem. is your OCS server's port enable for https?
yes, it is an internal server so it has no firewall or ports blocked.  do you think I should try turning off server security on the clients?

it's worth a try but i do not modify the check box an leave it as default like so:

I can't see your attached picture.

I should also mention that I didn't use a specific certificate either, just the default  cacert.pem

ok so, were just using default options during agent's installation.

Server side i did not a change a thing after installation.

to be sure try a telnet from your client to OCS server.

check IP and port specified in your ocsinventory.ini and then execute a telnet with the appropiate IP and port in a command prompt:

Example: Server=

telnet 80

if you access the server the command prompt would turn entirely black. To exit type "ctrl + $"
OK, thanks again for the info, I was able to telnet into my server from a client.  What should I check next?
so another thing I tried was to run the command

"C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\OCSInventory.exe" /server: /FORCE

into the login script so it would run when users log in to the network and I am still not getting any reported inventories to the new server.  :(

So I run this command on local computer manually and it looks like it runs, but nothing shows up on server still.

I can ping and browse web pages from the server, but cannot browse

because it says object not found, could this be my issue?

Try again specifing the port like so:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\OCSInventory.exe" /server: /FORCE

Join the admin web page of OCS like so:

Thanks for your help nbu, it must have been specifying the port because my inventories are starting to show up in the server now!  Much appreciation for your continued help!  :)
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