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MSOFFICEKEY Plugin dont work with Office 2013

The msoffice plugin can not work with Office 2013.

It is working with Office XP, 2007,2010 but Office 2013 doesn't work.

Someone known how can I solve this problem?
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

5 Answers

0 votes

I've already ask for this issue

Same question.. no fix .
by (330 points)
0 votes
It works here. Just followed the instructions for installing the "msofficekey.vbs".

Greetings, Mbrock
by (160 points)
0 votes

A new version is available on github.com/OCSInventory


by (89.4k points)
If I call that script with "wscript" I get no output.

ocs-Agent said also "no output from script". Installed ist office 2013 home and business.




0 votes
Solved!! play around with the msofficekey.vbs .

1) getOffice16Infos

getOffice16Infos "15"

getOffice16Infos "16"

2) Sub getOffice16Infos

Sub getOffice16Infos(Ver)

3) result = WshShell.Run("cmd /c cscript ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS"" /dstatus > C:\output.txt", 0, true)

result = WshShell.Run("cmd /c cscript ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office" & Ver & "\OSPP.VBS"" /dstatus > C:\output.txt", 0, true)

4) result = WshShell.Run("cmd /c cscript ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS"" /dstatus > C:\output.txt", 0, true)

result = WshShell.Run("cmd /c cscript ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office" & Ver & "\OSPP.VBS"" /dstatus > C:\output.txt", 0, true)
by (180 points)
0 votes
Hi everybody,

I'm very interested about nshong's answer !

Please, can you tell me the modifications you make on the msooficekey.vbs for having MAK license for Office 2013 ?

Thanks a lot !
by (890 points)
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