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client not collect machine virtual from de Xenserver [closed]


I need help in the client from xenserver, it collect information xenserver with client 2.0.1, but no collect the information de virtualmachine.

I am creating a script in shell that collect information from virtual machi, but do not know how to create an entry in ocs for the agent.




echo "Create the csv for the vm-list"

xe vm-list params=dom-id,name-label,power-state,memory-actual,name-description,uuid,resident-on   |grep -i [a-z]|awk 'ORS=NR%7?":":"\n"' |awk -F': ' '{print $2";"$4";"$6";"$8";"$10";"$12";"$14}'|grep -v "Control domain on host" >> csv/vm-list.csv

echo "Create the csv for the host-list"

xe host-list |grep -i [a-z]|awk 'ORS=NR%3?":":"\n"' |awk -F': ' '{print $2";"$4}'|grep -v "^Control domain on host" >> csv/$CMD.csv

VirtualMachine ( )
cat csv/vm-list.csv |while read LINE
   echo $ARQ1 > arq2.txt
maquinasvirtuais ()
    residenton=$(awk -F ";" '{print $6}' arq2.txt)
    l6=$(grep "$residenton" csv'\'host-list.csv|cut -d ";" -f2)
   l1=$(awk -F ";" '{print $1}' arq2.txt)
   l2=$(awk -F ";" '{print $2}' arq2.txt)
   l3=$(awk -F ";" '{print $3}' arq2.txt)
   l4=$(awk -F ";" '{print $4}' arq2.txt)
   l5=$(awk -F ";" '{print $5}' arq2.txt)
   l7=$(awk -F ";" '{print $7}' arq2.txt)
   echo "    <VIRTUALMACHINES>" >> $l6.ocs  
   echo "      <COMMENT></COMMENT>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <MAC></MAC>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <MEMORY>$l5</MEMORY>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <NAME>$l2</NAME>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <STATUS>$l4</STATUS>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <UUID>$l1</UUID>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <VCPU></VCPU>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <VMID>vm-$l7</VMID>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "      <VMTYPE>XEN</VMTYPE>" >> $l6.ocs
   echo "    </VIRTUALMACHINES>" >> $l6.ocs
rm *.ocs
head ()
cat csv/host-list.csv |while read LINE
 host=$(grep "$host" csv'\'host-list.csv|cut -d ";" -f2)
 echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' >> $host.ocs
 echo " <REQUEST>" >> $host.ocs
 echo "   <CONTENT>" >> $host.ocs
tail ()
cat csv/host-list.csv |while read LINE
 host=$(grep "$host" csv'\'host-list.csv|cut -d ";" -f2)
 echo "   </CONTENT>" >> $host.ocs
 echo "   <DEVICEID>$host</DEVICEID>" >> $host.ocs
 echo "   <QUERY>INVENTORY</QUERY>" >> $host.ocs
 echo " </REQUEST>" >> $host.ocs



closed with the note: scritp perl created by me.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (220 points)
closed by

2 Answers

–1 vote

ocs unified agent can retrieve these informations. Install ocs unified agent on your server.
by (89.4k points)


This up and running, no longer brings information which virtual machines are running on it.

plugins collection for virtual machine running virtualbox, XEN or KVM, XenServer does not have a more specific plugin.

+1 vote

creating XenServer.pm in the directory perl > Ocsinventory > Agent > Backend > Virtualization


package Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::Virtualization::XenServer;

use strict;

use XML::Simple;

sub check { can_run('xe') }

sub run {
    my $params = shift;
    my $common = $params->{common};
    my $hostname = `hostname`;
    my $residenton;
    foreach (`xe host-list params=uuid hostname=$hostname`) {
         $residenton = $1 if /:\s+(.+)/;
    foreach (`xe vm-list params=uuid resident-on=$residenton`) {
        if (/:\s+(.+)/) {
        my $uuid = $1 if /:\s+(.+)/;
        my $fname = `xe vm-list params=name-label uuid=$uuid`;
        my $name = $1 if $fname =~ /:\s+(.+)/;
        my $fstatus = `xe vm-list params=power-state uuid=$uuid`;
        my $status = $1 if $fstatus =~ /:\s+(.+)/;
        my $fvcpu = `xe vm-list params=VCPUs-max uuid=$uuid`;
        my $vcpu = $1 if $fvcpu =~ /:\s+(.+)/;
        my $fmemory = `xe vm-list params=memory-actual uuid=$uuid`;
        my $tmemory = $1 if $fmemory =~ /:\s+(.+)/;
        my $memory = $1 if $tmemory =~ /(\d+)\d{6}$/;
        my $machine = {
                MEMORY => $memory,
                NAME => $name,
                UUID => $uuid,
                STATUS => $status,
                SUBSYSTEM => "libvirt",
                VMTYPE => "XEN",
                VCPU   => $vcpu,




Now running this beauty.

by (220 points)
Thank you for this.  It works beautifully on my XenServer 6.5 installations.
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