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Authentication by user group LDAP

Hi all! I'm sorry if this question already asked but I didnt found the answer and I'll be very pleased if you'll help to me.

Is it possible to use authentication by user group via Microsoft AD?

Tnx. very much!
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (240 points)
edited by

5 Answers

0 votes


Yes it is possible, you will the doc here : http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php/Documentation:OCSsynchroLDAP

by (710 points)
0 votes

Tnx fo your answer.

I use now LDAP autentication via AD now, but I use


may I use: memberOf ?
by (240 points)
0 votes
Yes, this is what I use
by (710 points)
0 votes
Which version of OCSServer are you using?
by (200 points)
0 votes
I discovered that "memberOf", the actual name of the LDAP attribute need to be all lowercase, "memberof" in the attribute field.  The value needs to be the full ldap distinguished  name, I.e "CN=Group, OU=Orgunit, DC=Domain"
by (220 points)
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