I did the update OCS reports for the current but to put the mysql and press OK, the program displays the following message:
OCS-NG Inventory Installation |
Please wait, database update may take up to 30 minutes..........
ERROR: line 54: query:[ INSERT INTO softwares_name_cache(name) SELECT DISTINCT name FROM softwares]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\softwares' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 87: query:[ ALTER TABLE bios DROP PRIMARY KEY]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 88: query:[ ALTER TABLE bios ADD COLUMN HARDWARE_ID integer not NULL FIRST]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 89: query:[ UPDATE bios SET bios.HARDWARE_ID= (SELECT ID FROM hardware WHERE bios.DEVICEID = hardware.DEVICEID)]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 90: query:[ ALTER TABLE bios DROP DEVICEID]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 91: query:[ ALTER TABLE bios ADD PRIMARY KEY(HARDWARE_ID)]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 92: query:[ ALTER TABLE bios ADD COLUMN ASSETTAG VARCHAR(255) default NULL]failed
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
MySQL error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: line 94: query:[ ALTER TABLE accountinfo DROP PRIMARY KEY]failed
MySQL error: Table 'accountinfo' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: line 98: query:[ ALTER TABLE accountinfo ADD PRIMARY KEY(HARDWARE_ID)]failed
MySQL error: Multiple primary key defined (err:1068)
MySQL config file successfully written (using root account)
Existing database updated
Database engine checking.....
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table '.\ocsweb\accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table '.\ocsweb\bios' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'memories' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'ports' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'storages' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'inputs' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'printers' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'sounds' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table '.\ocsweb\softwares' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:145)
ERROR: Alter query failed
mysql error: Table 'accountinfo' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (err:1194)
ERROR: InnoDB conversion failed, install InnoDB MySQL engine support on your server
or you will experience severe performance issues.
(Try to uncomment skip-innodb in your MySQL config file.)
Reinstall when corrected.
ERROR: HEAP conversion failed, install HEAP MySQL engine support on your server
or you will experience severe performance issues.
ERROR: The installer ended unsuccessfully, rerun install.php once problems are corrected