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Release 2.12.3 available

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OCS Server dosen´t find OCS Agent

Good morning everyone , I have the following problem I have a Linux Debian 8.5 server (updated ) using the latest version of OCS 2.2.1 put my clients ( do not send the report have 182 machines but only 139 machines in my server. What can be wrong and how can I check ? Had another server before the current and imported the old server database for the new , the error might be there? If yes how to fix this problem ?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
At first, look the log on your agent.
by (22k points)

Hi..I have also same issue...Where I can find the log of agent...Pls see the screenshot..I could not locate any log file on this path of agent..Pls advice.

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