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Release 2.12.3 available

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Get Success_already_in-history message for packet but no SUCCESS or error message for packet state how fix that? [closed]

Hello, I try setup an ocs inventory server and everything work fine but i don't get a succes or error message for the deployement. The problem is when the client send a EXIT_CODE_1 message, in activity log of ocs-serverver i can see it (Fri Sep  2 12:56:51 2016;30137;2501;INFO-PC-2016-07-25-16-26-59;;OCS-NG_WINDOWS_AGENT_v2.1.1.3;download;1469534295(EXIT_CODE_1)), but the TVALUE field in the tables devices of BDD remain unchanged. And I don't have any error in mysql log. I don't have any error in apache log and in my client log.

Server version is 2.2.1 on debian jessie and  client is on windows.

Thanks for helping me.
closed with the note: Problem solved
in Administrative console by (180 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes

What does your package? Have you tested the command before creating the package?


by (90.5k points)
+1 vote

Hi, I'v test my package and  in my search i foud a mistake in the php.ini file, problems have been fix with an complete reinstall of the server.

Thanks for your answer.

by (180 points)
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