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Release 2.11.1 available

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Impossible to install Ocs Inventory last version


I have install Xampp version 5.6.21, (i have Glpi, Grr that fonction correctly)

When i Try to install ocsinventory server, i obtain un message

XAMPP server is installed but Perl not found on you computer ....

And i can't continue the install.

You can help me, please ?

Thanks you
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
latest version of xampp aren't include perl anymore. As it, it is impossible to continu to maintain OCS server on windows.

OCS server is made to work on linux system and it is our primary goal. We plan to rework OCS in the future to made a new windows version but it will take many time (many major change to do).

Please use Linux system if you want latest version of OCS.
by (22k points)
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