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Release 2.12.3 available

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Search with various criteria.

In documentaion: (http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php/Documentation:Results#Search_with_various_criteria.)

"Default search parameters are:"

How i can add my own custom params (installed via modules like "uptime" - "crontab") in this dropdown list?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (140 points)

3 Answers

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i was also interested in that issue
by (25k points)
0 votes
Did you ever get an answer on this? I'm interesting in doing this as well.

by (440 points)
0 votes

i don't know how to do this, but for the uptime you have 2 choices

1. Use "adminer" to connect to the mysql database and do a query

in OCS-inventory 2.1.2 this query works

select time,userid,name from uptime inner join hardware on uptime.HARDWARE_ID = hardware.ID order by time+0

2. you can use glpi - the new glpi import plugin


can import the uptime from ocs-inventory and glpi can display the uptime in a column

Also the search capability is far more better in glpi and you can save searches in glpi

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by (25k points)
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