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My Office Key plugin is not working. What did I do wrong?

Hello there,

Fisrt of all, I'm sorry about my English, it is not so good. And I'm new using OCS Inventory too. My data has been colleted from domain machines ina correct way, no problem with this.

Last week I tried to install the plugin Office Key, trying to retrieve the keys from my domain machines that use Office. I used the documentation: http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugins:MSofficeKey2.1, but didn't get it working.

I have only one server with application and database (MySQL). When I select a machine from the list, the Office icon appears on screen after I installed the plugin, but it is not available for me to click.

I checked the step by step documentation several times, and I didn't find where is the error. I even don't know wich information can I put here for you guys help me.

I hope you can help me to solve this. I really need to know the office keys.

Thank you in advance. Best regards.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Which version of OCS are you using?

This plugin version is only for 2.1.2 ocs server.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hello, Frank.

First of all, sorry for taking so long to answer. And sorry about my English too, it is not so good.

So, mt OCS Version is 2.0, probably it is the cause of the problem, right? My only option is upgrade the OCS version to have plugin working?

Thank you.
by (170 points)
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