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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to install self-created plugin on OCS 2.4?


I want to install a self-made OCS-Inventory plugin on my Centos 6.9 server that reads a special environment variable from the inventorized computers. The VBS-Script is already written and the value of the variable can be transmitted through the XML-file (I already checked that :D).

Right now I want to display the value in the Computer-Inventory-Administrative-data section but I do not know how.

To conclude I need help at the following parts:

1. Install the plugin on the server

2. View the plugins information on the Computer's Inventory site.

Thank you in advance :D


I tried to adapt the CustomApp-Plugin but whenever I try to install it through the Administration console it says: "ERROR: Inventory is an invalid plugin, check your sources. Installation aborted !"

Inventory is the name of my plugin.

Is that the right way to install the plugins (in spite of the error message) or is there another path to pursuit?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (260 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Hi @Say10 ,

the best answer of this post can help you : http://ask.ocsinventory-ng.org/8747/scheduledtasks-plugins-not-visible?show=8762#a8762

Regards, Stéphane
by (32.6k points)
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