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Release 2.12.3 available

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error 500 Internal Server Error_Running_Process [closed]

PHP Version: 5.6.30 Web Server: Apache / 2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) OpenSSL / 1.0.2k-fips PHP / 5.6.30 mod_perl / 2.0.10 Perl / v5.16.3 Database Server: 5.5.56-MariaDB Version OCSReports: 2.4 Version OCSAgent: Ocsinventory unified agent for UNIX, Linux and MacOSX (2.1.1)

Good morning,

I installed OCS Server 2.4 a few months ago. I also installed the "running process" plugin without any problem. The servers were added correctly and the processes were detected under the "miscellaneous" menu. Nearly 2850 servers have been added. 

From 3 days, if I try to launch an OCSINVENTORY AGENT I have the following error: [error] Can not establish communication: 500 Internal Server Error 

The error message starts from the OCS SERVER. 

This is the agent modules.conf:


# this list of modules will be load by the at run time 

# to check its syntax do: 

# #perl modules.conf 

# You must have NO error. Else the content will be ignored 

# This mechanism is to launch agent extension modules 

#use Ocsinventory :: Agent :: Modules :: Download; 

#use Ocsinventory :: Agent :: Modules :: Snmp; 

use Ocsinventory :: Agent :: Modules :: Processes; 



If i use # on the "use Ocsinventory :: Agent :: Modules :: Processes;" line, the inventory works but, of course, the processes are not detected. 

Can you help me? 

Thanks a lot.

closed with the note: I solved the problem. The malfunction was in the wrong table configuration of my "Running Processes" table. I drop the table and then i recreate it.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (160 points)
closed by

2 Answers

0 votes

Could you post the content of ocsinventory-agent.log file, plz?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hi Frank,

thanks for your answer. I solved the problem last friday.
The problem wasn't in the agent configuration/installation. The malfunction was in the wrong table configuration of my "Running Processes" table. I drop the table and then i recreate it.
A few days ago, my colleague tried to customize the Running Process table adding new parameters. After that, when the agent was attempting to send the inventory to the server, it crashed against a badly configured "Running Process" table.

Rolling back to the original table settings, everything is back working correctly.

10x a lot,
by (160 points)
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