The Sysinfo.log result:
<Physical: 1878921216 bytes><Swap: 3865440256 bytes>
DMI GetMemorySlots: Trying to find DMI Structure type 17...
<Caption: ><Description: XMM1><Slot: 1><Capacity: 0><Speed: 0><Type: DDR2><S/N: >
<Caption: ><Description: XMM2><Slot: 2><Capacity: 0><Speed: 0><Type: DDR2><S/N: >
<Caption: ><Description: XMM3><Slot: 3><Capacity: 1024><Speed: 800><Type: DDR2><S/N: 0021F97E>
<Caption: ><Description: XMM4><Slot: 4><Capacity: 1024><Speed: 800><Type: DDR2><S/N: 00032604>
<Caption: ><Description: SYSTEM ROM><Slot: 5><Capacity: < 1><Speed: 0><Type: FLASH><S/N: SYSTEM ROM>
OK (5 objects)
DMI GetMemorySlots: Trying to find DMI Structure type 16...
OK (5 objects updated)
WMI GetMemorySlots: Trying to find Win32_PhysicalMemory WMI objects...
<Caption: Memória física><Description: XMM3><Slot: 1><Capacity: 1024><Speed: 800><Type: Unknown><S/N: >
<Caption: Memória física><Description: XMM4><Slot: 2><Capacity: 1024><Speed: 800><Type: Unknown><S/N: >
<Caption: Memória física><Description: SYSTEM ROM><Slot: 3><Capacity: 1><Speed: ><Type: Flash><S/N: >
OK (3 objects)
WMI GetMemorySlots: Trying to find Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray WMI objects...
OK (5 objects updated)