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where to get snmp mib file

Hello Admin,

I have OCS server 2.9 installed and can inventory Windows and Linux with agent.

Now I try to inventory Cisco switch and HP printers with snmp. I had thought that I can just configure snmp community name on the server and the server can do the inventory work, but I was wrong. I read carefully the snmp scan documentation and it says that I need to create type, label, with OID.
The easier way is to get mib file, but where can I get Cisco switch and HP printer mib file?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (210 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Hello, you can get the MIB tables from the manufacturers of the devices. Sometimes also in the admin interfaces of the devices.

I use the MibBrowser to find out the appropriate OIDs.

Free SNMP MIB Browser – ManageEngine Free Tools'

Maybe that will help.

by (220 points)
0 votes
Thanks. I'll try that tool in the website you mentioned.
by (210 points)
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