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Release 2.12.3 available

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No new records since September 13


We keep records of computers based on tags in OCS.
Unfortunately, on September 13 something happened - since that day no new device is visible in the OCS panel.
I have connectivity to the server, the database works, the database password also matches. It's just that computers added using installers are not visible, and old ones are not refreshed.

Where can I start in the search for problems?
Thank you!
in Administrative console by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Do you get errors in apache error log file, activity.log file ?

Set OCS_OPT_DBI_PRINT_ERROR to 1 in ocsinventory-server.conf file and restart apache. Next see if you get errors in apache error log file.

by (90.5k points)
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