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Release 2.12.3 available

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Why i got an error when i import the ocs file to OCS server?

Hi all,

Why i got an error when i import the ocs file to OCS server?

Is someone can help me to fix this ,thanks.

The ocs file was export by install OCS agent in local inventory mode.

OCS Server version: 2.1.2

Agent version: 2.1.3

ocs file import to server

in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (310 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer


Try with ocsinventory-injector.pl script :

      perl ocsinventory-injector.pl -v -r -f file.ocs -u http://localhost/ocsinventory

You should think about upgrading OCS server.


by (6.2k points)
selected by
Thanks, the script can work.
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