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My Windows computers don't show up in the server [URGENT].

Hello People!!!

What's Up ?

Well... I have a big problem, my OCS server doesn't work for windows, but it isn't that simple, because when I install the OCS it seems to work, I install, run, and everything seems to be ok, but when i check the server the windows computers are not there

I run it in Linux, MAC, and it works fine, the only problem is Windows systems.

Does anyone have a solution for me ? Thanks guys.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Windows by (530 points)

16 Answers

+1 vote

What is your version of OCS Server ? Which Windows with which agent ?

Can you share the agent log and configuration file of a windows computer please ? (C:\Program Data\OCS..\ocsinventory.log + ocsinventory.ini)

Share as well log of OCS Server (apache error log)
by (4.9k points)
0 votes

Hi Vicent!

My OCS server is Linux i686 Kernel : 3.4.63-2.44-pae Web Server : Apache/2.2.22 (Linux/SUSE), My windows version is Windows 10 and my agent server 2.3.

What else do you need ?

by (530 points)
+1 vote

"Can you share the agent log and configuration file of a windows computer please ? (C:\Program Data\OCS..\ocsinventory.log + ocsinventory.ini) 

Share as well log of OCS Server (apache error log)"

by (4.6k points)
0 votes

I can't find this way "C:\Program Data\OCS..\ocsinventory.log + ocsinventory.ini" in the OCS Folder, don't have a ocsinventory.log, and ocsinventory.ini 

by (530 points)
+1 vote

How have you installed windows ocs agent?


by (89.4k points)
0 votes
I Install with the OCS Agent 2.3, but don't work only in windows. I Install normally, and use the correctly ip for this, and correctly TAG Value, but even that does don't work.
by (530 points)
0 votes
I use external server, i don't use XAMPP.
by (530 points)
0 votes

Which errors have you in error_log file of apache?


by (89.4k points)
0 votes
Well... I don't see the error, undestand ? What I have is, when i use the OCS Agent 2.3, my windows computer don't show up in my external server, but, when I use the OCS Agent 2.1, my windows computer show up, but it's not usually, because, the version 2.1 is for Windows XP and Vista, and my computer is Windows 10. I need to know what happen this.

Thanks for all
by (530 points)
0 votes

Which version for OCS Server? Which version for OCS Agent? Which error number have you? Without error log files we can't help you correctly.


by (89.4k points)
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