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Multiple tag for filtering view


i try to use multiple tag for ladmin limiting  view. like

Country company services

i assume that is a "and"  and user need to got the tree tag to access the data. But it is ok for one tag may be two but with tree the user never see the data ..

is there limit with case or number in tags ?

where is filtered tag for the user ? a delay to access between update ?

i use latest version. 2.8.1

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (350 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
Do you want to limit who can view specific computers in the webinterface ?

And if if you set a specific user to view more then 2 TAGS .. you won't see a computer .. right?
by (24.8k points)
0 votes
yes i want to limit who can view specific computer

if i set more than two tags on computer side, and user with all tag set, the user don't see the computer. i need to let one only to see again the computer.

is there keyword separate with space or comma ? is it one unique tag even with space ?

how is flitering between two tag in user tag list ?
by (350 points)
edited by
+1 vote
I think you can set only one tag for one computer.

I reccomend to not use spaces or special characters for a tag.

For excample you tag a compzter with the TAG


Now you can allow an admin to view all the compzters with the SALES TAG.

The same admin can have the option to view additional computers with for example the TAG CAD

But you have only one TAG per PC

see here


Kind regards

by (24.8k points)
0 votes
Thanks it is ok now tag is unique by computer.

 i will use


Country_company_service2 etc.

and add the list of tags for user who need all computer in one Country

Best Regards
by (350 points)
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