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ipdiscover-util.pl can't be launched, you must set execution rights [closed]

Hello guys!

I'm a beginner in UNIX and OCS so I made a little installation lab to learn how it works.

My OCS Server runs on Centos 6.6 and I configured a Debian client in order to run SNMP.

OCS Agent is installed on the server, on the Debian client and on my computer (Windows 7).

This 3 computers appears good in OCS Inventory. IPdiscover works fine too and SNMP is ok.

Here comes my problem : when I go on my Non identified peripherals list, I see this message :

ipdiscover-util.pl can't be launched, you must set execution rights

I did a chmod 777 on this file but it changed anything. I searched on the Internet but I only found that it doesn't work on Windows server (it's not my case). 

I don't know what files could be important to join here so tell me.

If you have any idea, I'll take it :)


PS: sorry for my english...

closed with the note: Found an answer to my problem
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (180 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

Just found the answer...

SELinux policy which higher priority than Linux permission

In order to let httpd run the contents, here's the sample code which need to be added:

chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t ipdiscover-util.pl

This will add a label to specified file and let it run.

by (180 points)
Where do I need to add this? or just run the command? i am confused. Please help.
You just have to run the command on your OCS Server.
That's what I thought but still getting the message? Do  I need to restart a service?
Did you try to restart your server?

I didn't really remember what I did to make this work, I did it several months ago :(. Hope you will find a solution.
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